The Path

Our life path brings us upon many a tough climb that can be so grueling that we often forget to take a moment and look at where we are.

We forget to enjoy the process.

Yes change is difficult, and many steps can offer an unsure footing at times.

And therein lies the leap of faith.


Because regardless of where we come from or what our beliefs are, we believe that there is a purpose for everything.

Our life purpose...

So what is it all about?

Many people have asked themselves this very question in times passed.

And yet each and every one of those path seekers will tell you a different meaning for life.

If we all have a different meaning for life then what is the meaning of life?

To me it is a path.

We learn and teach every step of the way, often not really knowing on a macro level, what we are moving towards.

Yes there's the next meal, or the next night out or that special treat you want to buy for yourself or that special someone and of course our careers.

So if life is a path for a bigger purpose, why do we feel such a pull towards the little things?

And why do we get so enthralled in life's debate over these little things?

Because like anything else in this physical world, our personal lives or paths are something we build upon.

One little piece at a time.

We put our heart into so little.

Its now more common to acquire something as a status symbol.

"Wait until you see what I just got."

Building a path of resentment and greed.

This path only leads to more of the same because you will never have everything, this is impossible!

When we open our hearts to our true path, we change.

We change our desires,

We change our focus,

We change our path!

For many who find their path, life stays relatively the same. They still have their job, their family, their house, most of their beliefs and for some nothing changes at all.

Or so it may seem.

They appear happier in themselves of course and yet they are doing the same things they always have. Except, they're not....

A righteous path is one of belief.

Belief in what you are here for.

Believing that happiness is the key to fulfilling your destiny.

We are all different beings with different goals for happiness.

Take a long hard look at yourself and what your happiness goals are.

Ask yourself, "will that be enough to make me happy?"

Happiness is a choice, just like the 4000 sq ft house for 2 children.

We really need very little to live, and even less to survive.

So when asked if you could have anything in this world, anything at all, what would it be?

How much would you ask for?

What could it be that would help you to figure out your meaning of life?

What would make you happy?

December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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Mastering Discipline

Throughout my entire life, discipline has always seemed like such a chore. I could never focus on one thing long enough to become a master at it. I haven't mastered any skill that I love to do.

I was never into sports as a child and exercise was never my thing. But I have always loved music. And in later years now since I've finished school, I love to read and learn new things. But as a result of never having the discipline to master any new skills while growing up, I am unable to focus my attention now. This is something that I had come to accept about myself but had vowed to make a change at some point. But true to form, my lack in discipline assured that I would struggle with this. A never ending loop of failure to master.

I have recently begun singing mantras. When I say recently, I mean today. Today is the first day of my discipline process. After having such an amazing weekend of healing ceremonies, I have learned a few things about myself. One such lesson was the lack of discipline that I put upon myself in order to better myself.

It is said that the constant repetition of a mantra can heighten our senses and awareness. I’m pretty sure it does indeed do exactly that, with practice, but for now my focus is for the purposes of discipline. Once the discipline is maintained, the practice will emerge. I am eternally grateful for the lessons I have received through working with plant medicines.

Through this work with plant-based healing medicines, I have caught a glimpse of what it is to be my full true self. With practice and discipline, I believe these mantras will help me in my process of expanding my being beyond what I know to be me and who I am.

The amazing realization that you are more than you think you are is quite profound. We think we are, as humans; the body, the mind, and in some cases, the soul/spirit. In most cases we believe we are a culmination of our family, friends, job, where we live, where we go, what hobbies we enjoy and what our spiritual beliefs are. A short story on these topics would amount to the average person’s belief in who they are. But the truth of it is we are so much more than all of it put together.

This past few days has helped me with my own view on this topic. I used to believe I was a father, a brother, a son, an uncle, a grandson, a musician, a singer, a writer, a good person trying to make a difference however small it was etc etc and the list goes on. But the truth is I am much more than any and all of those things.

As I have mentioned, I have been fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of who I am. The I that I am is so vast and expansive that no words can describe.

If you could imagine what it would be like to squeeze an elephant through the eye of a needle, then you would have some idea of how difficult it is for a spirit to enter the human form. The sheer vastness of our being-ness pre-earth, cannot be condensed into our 3D physical form. No matter how pure a human being is, they are still physical, and so therefore cannot contain their fullest potential. That said, our fullest potential in our human form is indeed impressive. We have yet to even come close to it. The achievements in the past of our fellow earthlings were all based in ego. This in itself is the biggest and heaviest limit we posses. The monks and sages of the world would be the purest of us and yet, I believe we have so much more to learn and to let go of.

With each layer of trauma that I work through and with each layer of pain that I come to terms with, that glimpse of my fullest potential expands a little more. With each expansion, I can get a sense and feel, to some small extent, of the next level of expansion before I experience it. So, I know there’s always more to remember, more to learn. I am more than I have ever imagined before, and more than I can even imagine now. The I that I am, in this human form, is only the finger tip of my true essence. I am everything and more than I could ever imagine myself to be.

With a daily practice I can expand my awareness, lighten my trauma and pain body, and thus expand the emptiness inside so more of my essence and light can enter, remembering more and more, who I truly am. This disciplined process can help me with procrastination and limiting my ego with regards to music, singing, writing and everything that I want to learn at this moment. Our ego tells us we are no good. So, if I start the day by reminding myself of how much I can remember with regards to who I am, well that will shut that little noise up with discipline and practise.

I am not perfect. I am finding my way.

Day by day, unravelling and unfolding, healing and expanding.


Latest Poetry
Metropolis jungle
Concrete Metropolis jungle,
A jungle growing within a bundle,
Of polished up, built up, hide away faces,
All in the race competing for spaces.
An aroma from a pretty city
Apon a time was nitty gritty,
Now flowing from edges and ledges,
A fulfilment of dredged pledges.
Grey on Green and green on grey,
Scenes to be seeing I dare to say,
Green scene seeing it's way,
I pray, that this day, is here to stay.
The Mothers pining cry is winning,
A voice of reason is glistening,
Her gasped breathe has been heard,
Her nurchured siblings were spared.